When men email you and ask for Full-Frontal Shots (pictures) of you what do they mean and why? - frontal email
I did not know, I'm just curious
When men email you and ask for Full-Frontal Shots (pictures) of you what do they mean and why? - frontal email
I did not know, I'm just curious
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I suppose they think of you want to see as the most beautiful woman in the world, and really I do.
Probably head to toe, to see if you are thin or thick.
That is, they want to see a picture of you in his Y-fronts .. as if they do not know.
they want to see how B (. Y.) BS
It `s usually a dictator who wants to see you naked. Don `t do it, put the photos on the Internet. What happens when you see them?
You want a picture in front of you - that shows his whole body forward.
Why not a nude photo ... All products are displayed on the front .... Tell them to move to pound salt
If you have any questions, you are too young to answer ...
That is, I want to see naked.
If you do not stop, and holdin out! I need your photos for me of the flood until my next girlfriend
Things they want to get naked Just Say No Way ... I think you know ..
Approximately want full front-end for you .... I will not ask ....
What plans fully reartal, was one of those?
You mean you want a photo of naked you.Why? You can admire.
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